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    Möglicherweise hat sich pPIC bei uns noch nicht so weit rumgesprochen, finde ich eine gute Idee, genauso wie Rod's Einsatz, das ganze in die Realität umzusetzen.
    Vielleicht mag ja auch der ein oder andere aus dem deutschsprachigen Alpenraum der Welt ein paar Gleitschirmfotos zeigen, daher leite den folgenden Post aus paraglidungforum.com mal weiter...

    Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:17 am Post subject: Request for photos

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quickie to let you all know that the pPIC "Photo of the Day" website is currently low on PG photos.

    If you don't know about it, then let me remind you... it's a website offering a fresh, new PG photo every day and it gets it's photos from you. You simply upload to it.
    It operates almost independently, and the only manual intervention is by me once every couple of weeks, I simply have to check that the uploaded images are real PG photos and not spam.
    All photos can be downloaded from the calendar archive and used a screen-savers or desktop backgrounds.

    Plug-ins are used by other website owners that show the automatically generated thumbnails, so your website can display a new photo every day. It is also approved by Google and can be added as a google gadget to your iGoogle page or any website.

    There are a lot of third-party websites from bloggers to main-stream PG dealers who use it on their websites to add a splash of daily changing colour & interest.

    This is the first time I've had to ask openly for photos, and I won't be doing it too often. Let's face it, everything has a natural lifespan, and if people don't upload to it, then I'll let it die a natural death. If you want to use it, you've got to upload to it !

    To upload a couple of your favourite photos, just go to http://www.paraglidingpic.com/ and use the upload page.
    Some rather well-know PG "names" have uploaded to it, and some of the photos that have been uploaded are just stunning, although there are plenty of good quality photos from regular pilots just doing their thing.

    Check out the pilot launching with his dog (go to the calendar & look-up 17-March-2008). This is one of my all-time favourite PG photos, kind of captures everything in a single shot for me.

    all the best,
    (the other)
    Rod B
    FFD :: PieInTheSky :: pPIC

    AW: www.paraglidingpic.com

    I heard about a dog falling to death in Austria while paragliding with his owner! Flying with a dog ist not cool because a dog cant`t say "Fu..of you freak, i got four legs!

    But there are some other nice fotos.

    Greetings A.W.


      AW: www.paraglidingpic.com

      Zu schade, scheint, als sei das Ende nah...
      Zitat von www.paraglidingforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=116475#116475

      Hi all,

      Well it would seem that the site will die soon. So be it.

      For the first time database errors were being displayed yesterday, as there was simply no photo for the following day. This morning I have transferred the last 2 photos from the upload queue, without which the site would already be dead.

      There has been no shortage of people wanting the plug-ins, they are used on many, many websites & blogs, and is one of only 2 free-flight plug-ins approved by Google. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all the site owners who in the near future may have to remove the plug-in from their home pages and blogs.

      I guess, looking back, I was simply over-confident in expecting pilots to want to upload to the site. Shame. I really liked the idea. Perhaps I had always hoped a manufacturer or one of the big players in the market might step-in and start uploading some of their stunning shots, but it never happened. Such is life.

      Thanks to all those who have uploaded photos, rest assured they gave great pleasure to the 4,453 unique visitors, during their 18,129 visits to the site to view the 38,932 page views we received from 85 countries, over the 4 months.

      If you have any photos you wish to upload then please go ahead,it's not dead yet. I just get the distinct sensation I may have heard a final intake of breathe
      ( www.paraglidingpic.com )

      (the other)
      Rod B
      FFD :: PieInTheSky :: pPIC


        AW: www.paraglidingpic.com

        @ Andreas

        .... ich kannte einen Hund der war ganz wild auf´s Fliegen und sichtlich enttäuscht, wenn sein Herrchen den Hundegurt nicht dabei hatte ..... ich gebe Dir aber Recht, Englisch sprach der Hund nicht .


        PS: Der Hund ist an Altersschwäche gestorben.

        PPS: Tolle Bilder um beim Thema zu bleiben.
        Zuletzt geändert von JörgE; 23.06.2008, 17:19. Grund: zurück zum Thema

