Seite 5:
Batten tension (clips, springs, strings and bungees)
The most common and easily corrected configuration error in most gliders is improper batten tension. Adjust
lever tips by threading them out until they are clearly too tight, then progressively loosening until the sail
starts to tension about 15 degrees before locking. You can also notice when cycling the lever that small
lateral wrinkles in the sail will start to disappear just before the lever locks in place. The shortest battens at
the tip are typically secured with a V string tie that is prone to shrinking and becoming tighter over time. The
proper adjustment is just tight enough to pull the diagonal wrinkles out of the sail but not tight enough to put
a crease in your finger when engaging the string over the batten tip. Battens that are too tight seriously
degrade the handling of the glider while loose battens detract from performance and contribute to
premature sail flutter. I adjust my batten tension before every flight in the process of setting up because sail
tension is sensitive to environmental conditions.
The most common and easily corrected configuration error in most gliders is improper batten tension. Adjust
lever tips by threading them out until they are clearly too tight, then progressively loosening until the sail
starts to tension about 15 degrees before locking. You can also notice when cycling the lever that small
lateral wrinkles in the sail will start to disappear just before the lever locks in place. The shortest battens at
the tip are typically secured with a V string tie that is prone to shrinking and becoming tighter over time. The
proper adjustment is just tight enough to pull the diagonal wrinkles out of the sail but not tight enough to put
a crease in your finger when engaging the string over the batten tip. Battens that are too tight seriously
degrade the handling of the glider while loose battens detract from performance and contribute to
premature sail flutter. I adjust my batten tension before every flight in the process of setting up because sail
tension is sensitive to environmental conditions.
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