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The lightest solar GPS vario

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    The lightest solar GPS vario

    Hi there! We created the prototype of the world's lightest solar-powered GPS variometer for paragliding, hike&fly adventures and acro. It only requires sunlight to work, has a waterproof case and Bluetooth connectivity.

    To run Ungravity into production, we need your vote!

    Please, follow the link and repost our video review on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ungravity.store Or sign up for our updates at our web site: https://ungravity.store/ If we manage to find just 150 supporters, it will enable us to start a crowdfunding campaign, or find an investor.

    And as soon as this summer you will be able to take Ungravity into the air!
    Best, Ungravity Team

    AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

    Zitat von Nicolay Malkov Beitrag anzeigen

    Hi there! We created the prototype of the world's lightest solar-powered GPS variometer for paragliding, hike&fly adventures and acro. It only requires sunlight to work, has a waterproof case and Bluetooth connectivity.

    To run Ungravity into production, we need your vote!

    Please, follow the link and repost our video review on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ungravity.store Or sign up for our updates at our web site: https://ungravity.store/ If we manage to find just 150 supporters, it will enable us to start a crowdfunding campaign, or find an investor.

    And as soon as this summer you will be able to take Ungravity into the air!
    Best, Ungravity Team
    Any reason why your vario would be significantly better than any of the existing and proven solar varios already on the market ( and this does not include saving 10 or 20 grams of weight)?


      AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

      Zitat von lhaeger Beitrag anzeigen
      Any reason why your vario would be significantly better than any of the existing and proven solar varios already on the market ( and this does not include saving 10 or 20 grams of weight)?
      Wenn das Vario wirklich dank wasser- aber nicht luftdichter Membran wie beschrieben wasserdicht ist, dann wäre das schon ein Feature das andere nicht zu bieten haben. Auch wenn das für die meisten klassischen XC-Flüge nicht so relevant ist. Für Acro-Flieger, die das Vario einfach am Helm haben, wenn sie über Wasser gehen, aber vielleicht schon...
      Herausgeber von Lu-Glidz und dem Podcast Podz-Glidz


        AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

        Zitat von lhaeger Beitrag anzeigen
        Any reason why your vario would be significantly better than any of the existing and proven solar varios already on the market ( and this does not include saving 10 or 20 grams of weight)?
        Hi! The only reason which comes to my mind is: "Because it is not rectangular?" :-)

        Actually, your question is very reasonable. I myself spent a lot of happy flight hours with existing and proven solar varios. But with the GPS turned on they all required charging, and I decided to create a vario, which will never have to be charged even while GPS tracking.

        I'm sure, this is the best destinguishing feature.


          AW: The lightest solar GPS vario


          What happens if the memory is full? Will it overwrite the oldest entries, or will it stop recording? If it overwrites it would be a perfect, carefree backup system. Keep it attached to the helmet and, if the primary device failed, you still got an IGC file.
          Das Schlimme an der Wettervorhersage ist nur, dass sie nicht immer falsch ist.

          Gruß Ulrich


            AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

            UliH, I think that would be great! The overwrite feature is a must-have.


              AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

              one feature i miss on all varios is an low altitute alarm which is programable,
              just a fixed 10sec alarm when reaching an specific altitude above sealevel.



                AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                Zitat von Laroth Beitrag anzeigen
                one feature i miss on all varios is an low altitute alarm which is programable,
                just a fixed 10sec alarm when reaching an specific altitude above sealevel.

                And you need that for? Im just curious.

                Best regards


                  AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                  Zitat von Laroth Beitrag anzeigen
                  one feature i miss on all varios is an low altitute alarm which is programable,
                  just a fixed 10sec alarm when reaching an specific altitude above sealevel.

                  I suppose you would like to have it for acro flying? It is easy to implement. As soon as we have an app, where different settings will become possible, it will appear!


                    AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                    Zitat von Nicolay Malkov Beitrag anzeigen
                    I suppose you would like to have it for acro flying? It is easy to implement. As soon as we have an app, where different settings will become possible, it will appear!
                    japp, when trying to sort things out (twists etc.) its helpfull to get a reminder about the height you have remaining.



                      AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                      But then it would always be AGL which requires elevation data. Can a minimised solar Vario with limited memory capacity handle this at all?

                      Besides that there *are* at least 2 varios with that feature on the market. These are the Skytraxx 2 & 3, and the feature is called "rescue alarm", kicking in when you are sinking faster than neutral in a configurable distance to the ground. Not that I value it greatly (even if doing freestyle avidly), but it *does* exist since years.


                      "Echte Vögel kotzen nicht!"
                      Stefan Ungemach

                      Warnung: der Autor ist auch gewerblich in der Branche tätig. Wer seinen Beiträgen unbesehen glaubt oder ihm was abkauft, ist selber schuld. Und wer einen Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf ihn behalten


                        AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                        Zitat von shoulders Beitrag anzeigen
                        But then it would always be AGL which requires elevation data. Can a minimised solar Vario with limited memory capacity handle this at all?

                        Besides that there *are* at least 2 varios with that feature on the market. These are the Skytraxx 2 & 3, and the feature is called "rescue alarm", kicking in when you are sinking faster than neutral in a configurable distance to the ground. Not that I value it greatly (even if doing freestyle avidly), but it *does* exist since years.


                        "Echte Vögel kotzen nicht!"
                        Hi Stephan! I'm sure, it is easy to implement with ASL. Knowing the altitude of the landing zone, AGL also becomes possible.


                          AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                          for acro its not important to be asl, msl is enough, you know where the acro box is and to find out the height above sealevel is no problem, every phone can do it with its gps (+-10m doesn't matter if you set it to 150-200m above the landing area)

                          @shoulders: ich glaube nicht, dass du ein skytraxx zum training mitnehmen willst, spätestens bei der ersten wasserlandung kannst es in die tonne klopfen.

                          da sind die kleinen leichten in dem fall sogar wasserdichten um welten geeigneter

                          Zuletzt geändert von Laroth; 02.04.2018, 18:04.


                            AW: The lightest solar GPS vario

                            Zugegeben, tu ich nicht - ich nehme ein wasserfestes Smartphone mit Barosonde (in den normalen Trainingshöhen sind weder Driftkompensation, noch eine angenehme Akustik ein Thema).

                            Da ich wie gesagt "nur" Freestyle trainiere, also keine Tumbling o.ä., reicht mir die Orientierung gegen das steile Relief um den See, drum bedeutet mir ein solcher Alarm nicht viel. Die Annahme, es gäbe überhaupt keine Geräte damit, ist aber trotzdem falsch.


                            "Echte Vögel kotzen nicht!"
                            Stefan Ungemach

                            Warnung: der Autor ist auch gewerblich in der Branche tätig. Wer seinen Beiträgen unbesehen glaubt oder ihm was abkauft, ist selber schuld. Und wer einen Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf ihn behalten

